4-part pvc pass through combo

I’ve shown this movement progression to hundreds of people over the years. It is without a doubt one of the most potent mobility exercises I’ve ever learned. When practiced regularly, it has the ability to improve movement in the hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, upper back, neck and even help breathing become easier. I learned the first 2 parts of this combo during my Crossfit days. The second 2 parts I learned from one of my mentors, Carl Paoli.

4-Part PVC Pass Through Combo. Potent arm and upper body mobility exercise. Give it a try everyday for a couple weeks. 5-10 reps of each part will give you an idea of what’s possible for you. Use a 5-foot pvc pipe, broomstick, rubber band, walking stick, golf club (driver works best), ski pole or whatever you have laying around the house. I keep a 5-foot pvc pipe at home and at the office. There are a lot of other mobility exercises you can do with them….examples will be in videos to come. Stay tuned and be well.
