ROM for the heart and lungs

It’s important to put your muscles and joints through their range of motion on a regular basis, why not the heart and lungs? Looking at the image below imagine your heart beating and your lungs breathing. See your lungs getting larger and smaller as your heart beats faster. Set an intention to get yourself out of breath everyday. Climb a hill, work in your yard, jump some rope, ride a bike, take a hike. Make it a daily practice to move your heart and lungs beyond their resting range of motion. Over time your heart and lung health will improve and you’ll feel more alive. Personally, there’s nothing like walking up a hill and feeling my body begin to breathe more deeply as it’s demand for oxygen rises. I also love the feeling of it all coming back down. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then it’s been way too long.

A top-down view of the thoracic cavity. The spine, heart, lungs and esophagus all fit in here so nicely. Keep it all moving.

A top-down view of the thoracic cavity. The spine, heart, lungs and esophagus all fit in here so nicely. Keep it all moving.

Break a sweat everyday. Get your heart rate up everyday. Run out of breath everyday. What else is there to say?
